Sunday, September 22, 2013

How can it be implemented into a lesson? Part 2 Music

Lesson objective: Teaching Rhythm

Step one “Focus Lesson” (I do alone)

·         Explain to students about the rhythm objective for the class

·         Show students different kinds of notes. 
o   For example: half note, quarter note, whole rests
o   Give students a visual, i.e. writing on the board
o   Listening examples: sing or tap different rhythms and rests

Step two “Guided practice” (We do it)

·         Have students mimic rhythm
o   Clap out a half note and have students repeat with their own clapping
o   Can use drums and have students beat the drum with specific rhythms

Step three “Independent Practice” (You do it independently)

·         Have students write down the names of rhythmic notes
o   This can be off of a worksheet
·         Have students practice rhythms by themselves on a drum or clapping
·         Teacher walks around the room checking sheet work and rhythm work, giving help where help is needed

Step Four “Collaborative Learning” (You do it together)

·         Have students who were working independently group up and share with their peers what they have learned.
·         Teacher walks around room to make sure there are not any students still struggling with rhythm